Quality at highest level.

Quality within ExpertCheese

ExpertCheese is your partner in cheese. Partnership is created by a loyal attitude, making clear agreements and delivering added value to products and services. Assurance in quality is the basic condition for the entire company.

We meet your requirements and are proud of it​

To ensure a consistently high level of quality, we use a quality system that encompasses our processes and procedures. This system is constantly monitored to ensure we meet our high quality standards. Our Quality Assurance team makes improvements when necessary to optimize the efficiency and effectiveness of our processes. This enables us to provide our customers with the highest quality products and services we can offer.

Below you can view our certificates.


BRC is the largest standard in the food industry, with more than 22.000 certificates worldwide. The standard describes the hygiene and food safety requirements for food processing companies that supply the retail sector. ExpertCheese itself does not do that, but many of our customers do supply this sector. That is why we see the BRC-A certificate as a great added value.

Skal, reliable organic.

Suppliers and buyers of organic cheese can turn to ExpertCheese. As a supervisor, Skal Biocontrol is committed to the demonstrable reliability of organic products in the Netherlands.

Organic is a legally protected term. An agricultural product or food may only be called organic if the production process meets legal requirements. The European government sets the rules, the more than 3600 certified organic entrepreneurs comply with them and monitor them. In this way, the customer can rest assured that an organic product is really organic. Skal supervises the entire organic chain on behalf of the Ministry of Economic Affairs.

Vlog Certificate

With genetic modification (GM), the properties of plants, bacteria, or yeasts are altered. More and more consumers value sustainable food and therefore choose products that have been produced without the use of genetic engineering.

The German organization Vlog (Verband Lebensmittel ohne Gentechnik) has developed a uniform production and testing standard called “Without Genetics” with strong support from numerous stakeholders.

When consumers see the “Ohne GenTechnik” seal on a product, it assures them that it does not contain genetically modified ingredients. ExpertCheese is pleased to enable consumers to make an informed choice.

Meadow Milk certificate

Cows and pasture belong together. The cows are given space here for their natural grazing behaviour. Moreover, the cow in the meadow is a characteristic part of the Dutch landscape!
Within modern dairy farming, it is not a matter of course to let the cows graze in the meadow from spring to autumn. The Weidegang Foundation aims to stimulate this and does so, among other things, by issuing the Weidegang certificate: proof of true ‘meadow milk’.

Meadow milk is milk from farms where the cows spend at least 120 days a year, at least six hours a day, in the meadow from spring to autumn. ExpertCheese produces cheese with the Meadow milk certificate.

Halal Certificate

Are you looking for a reliable partner for the production and supply of halal cheese? ExpertCheese is the right place for that too.

TQHCC, a recognized certification body, verifies that our products meet strict halal standards. This means that our cheese is produced according to Islamic law, using only permissible ingredients.

Halal is more than just a label; it represents a sustainable and ethical way of producing, with respect for both animals and humans at its core.

Would you like to know more about our quality?

Here’s how you can reach us:
T +31(0)528 – 820180

E info@expertcheese.nl
